Every financial asset deserves a second chance – but when a debt goes bad, quickly returning it to productive use is the goal of everyone involved.
Distressed assets are a part of every financially-based economy. Over the past 20+ years Collect America was the leader in asset recovery through a team of analytical experts and a unique national network of law firms crafted, committed, and purpose-built to return bank-owned assets to productive use. The only problem was – they did not “collect” anything, nor were they limited to work within the USA.
Bearings developed a completely new brand system starting with the SqaureTwo Financial name and identity and powered by the positioning promise to banks and other debt holders that their mission is Accelerating Assets Back To Black™. Over a 3 year period this branding and position in the market powered a huge increase in business and market share.
More recently, the core branding has evolved to encompass seismic shifts in compliance and regulation, in consumer attitudes, and industry focus, and a whole strategy redirect to focus on consumers through the Bearings-created Fair Square Promise™ business strategy. SquareTwo has become the leader in consumer-facing efforts at beyond-compliance care for consumer financial health through the asset recovery process.